Makarand Utpat

An image of a woman using tablet and laptop

3 Common Website Issues and How to Fix Them

Your website plays a significant role in the success of your business. It’s one of the focal points of your business, especially in today’s era where digital platforms are so popular, and the internet is at the heart of every business strategy. A website helps in attracting new customers and retaining existing ones while turning potential leads into sales.

However, common website issues can severely affect its performance and adversely impact your business. It can also negatively impact user experience, leading to tarnished business image, poor sales, and a lack of trust in your business or your brand.

Oftentimes, the reason behind a website’s poor performance is clear. However, other times there are certain underlying issues that aren’t always visible. These neglected issues can snowball into significant issues.

To help you stay on top of your game and make sure your website reaps lasting results, I, Makarand Utpat, will highlight some common website issues in this blog post, along with some easy solutions to fix these issues and keep your website running smoothly. Keep reading to explore more.

1. High Exit Rate

One of the most common issues your website might face is a high user exit rate. People are coming to your website, but they are leaving just as quickly. This can be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Users find your website difficult to navigate
  • Your website is designed poorly
  • The content on your website is irrelevant to the target audience

All these factors can lead to a high exit rate, with consequences like a low marketing Return on Investment (ROI), declining conversion rates, poor user experience, and inaccurate data. A user may exit your website at any point in their journey, which is why you need to look at the entire website when coming up with a viable solution. You need to find that point that forces the user to end their journey and exit your website.

Solution: How to Lower the Exit Rate?

  • Use funnel analytics to analyze the visitors coming to your website, see the pages where the exit rate is the highest, and redirect the visitors to the pages where the conversion rate is higher.
  • Continually monitor your website’s functionality, performance, usability, and security. This can help you detect problems before they worsen.
  • Utilize user feedback and input to see the common issues they face and the areas that need to be improved.

2. Low Search Engine Ranking

Another common website issue is low-ranking SEO. Search engine optimization allows all search engines, like Google, to identify your content correctly. This increases SERP rankings, produces higher-quality leads, and improves web traffic.

Poor SEO can do the opposite, which can spell disaster for your website. The lower your ranking, the more difficult it is for people to find your website. You need relevant content and the right SEO techniques to attract people to your website, which is why you need to address this issue promptly.

Solution: How to Improve SEO Ranking?

  • Maximize the use of the right keywords to optimize the content on your website. This will make it easier for users to locate and understand your website.
  • Increase the amount of content you publish on your website and make sure it is relevant, high-quality, and authoritative. This will help attract new visitors, grow organic website traffic, enhance brand trust, and expand referrals.

3. Poor Website Design

The UX, web, UI, and graphic design all work together to make your website a work of art. While each of these factors has a unique role, their purpose is to create a user-friendly website. The ideal website design allows users to enjoy and make the most of their experience and it should be aesthetically pleasing and highly functional.

In addition, a website’s design is one of the first things a user sees when they click on it. So it’s fair to say that it needs to create a positive impression. Otherwise, the user may give up on your website before they have even explored it. On the other hand, a poor website design is enough for the user to switch to a competitor’s site and forget all about your business.

It can also result in user frustration, which can lead to high exit rates, reduced brand credibility, and lower conversions. Therefore, you need to fix this issue as soon as you can, as the rest of the website functionality depends on it.

Solution: How Do You Improve Website Design?

  • Ask users what they would like to see on your website. Their input will help you find problem areas and fix them quickly.
  • Use quality images as visual aids to attract customers.
  • Streamline user experience to help them find relevant pages. You can do this by placing CTAs on every page and making them visible.
  • Ensure your website design and style is consistent and uniform. Choose the color, fonts, button sizes, etc., carefully to minimize distractions and create an aesthetically appealing experience for the user.

Although website issues are fairly common, you need to do your best to fix each one of them to ensure the quality of use experience and success of your business.

If you are looking for more guidance and insights to navigate the e-commerce world, I, Makarand Utpat, am a leading name in the industry. I have years of experience in helping businesses fulfill their goals and flourish.

If you wish to discuss things in more detail, you can schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me to learn more about how to make fix your e-commerce website and make it a success.