Makarand Utpat

Attention Coaches, Consultants, Creators or Any Kind of Experts:

How Do You Create a Winning Business Playbook in Next 30-Days? Is it Even Possible?

Discover How to Accelerate Your Business, Add More Perfect-Fit, Cash-In-Hand Customers, and Unleash Your Potential!

Let’s face it, in today’s market, the internet, Google, and social media have become a crowded place! With the implosion of digital platforms, attention spans have decreased. If you want to stand out, you need a competitive edge.

I will help you harness your value propositions, build authority and establish your robust brand so that you can attract clients and sell more. I will show you how you can do it in next 30 days and finally have a peace of mind and “net-zero” stress. Click the button below:

As Featured in…

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Is This Something You Relate To?

Have you ever wondered…?

  • “I’m working forever but why am I not making any progress”
  • “I feel lonely in my entrepreneurship journey. It would be good to have someone guide me or to bounce off my ideas”
  • “Why my website visitors are saying goodbye without buying or opting-in?”
  • “Should I create a course first or write a book or launch my podcast?”
  • “I think I possess the right skills and have necessary passion but why can’t I still quite manage to monetize?”
  • “If I could only have 1000 subscribers on my YouTube Channel, wouldn’t that be awesome?”
  • “If I can only be little more famous, people will invite me to speak and on podcasts.”
  • “How do I launch my group coaching program?”
  • “I’m not spending time with my kids because of these late nights… is it really worth it?”
  • “Why success is always eluding me even though I know I deserve it?”

The answer may surprise you!

I’ve Been In Your Shoes

I know what’s keeping you from succeeding in the industry and achieving your goals. Over the years, I’ve personally dealt with similar challenges and have helped numerous clients overcome it. Some of these include:

  • You don’t have a strong online presence on social media.
  • Your website is either outdated or not generating any revenue.
  • Your products or services aren’t selling as you expected.
  • You don’t have an irresistible offer in place.
  • You’re not able to drive traffic to your landing pages.
  • You don’t have a plan or strategy to help you boost sales
  • You need help to create your online courses
  • You go through feast or famine cycle
  • You can only do so much with the time you’ve got

If any of those ring true to you, I’m sure… like my clients, you want to escape from these challenges and come to a place where these get fixed right away!

In short, your current business strategy isn’t working out!

… at least not as well as it should.

And as a result, either you’re non-existent and irrelevant to your prospects or not being seen as the go-to authority they can rely on—thus, you’re missing out on the masses and left with only a few customers (or worse, none at all).

We all know how frustrating it is to watch your business struggle to make an impact when you’ve poured your heart and soul into it. It hurts to see it fail to reach its full potential. Trust me; I’m no stranger to these circumstances. I’m familiar with that gut-wrenching feeling you get when your goals seem impossible to achieve, despite all your hard work and efforts.

I’m here to help you overcome this feeling and move a step closer to the success you rightly deserve. Let’s connect and see how I can help you elevate your business.

Easy to Learn Secrets of Million Dollar Brands! Why Top Earners Prosper Every Time regardless of Any Economic Downturn
(and How You Can, too)

The #1 reason you are not where you want to be is because you are invisible expert where people don’t know you exist OR you don’t have an irresistible offer in place OR you’re not deploying the social media and Google firepower that allows you to generate attention and attract paying customers.

Makarand With Sought-After Serial Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk

There’s a reason why the current top earners are at the position that they’re at. It’s because they know how to make an impact on their audience both rationally as well as emotionally. People buy their services not only because of what they sell but, more importantly, because of who they are and how they make people feel.

They have created a robust personal brand through what is called a “know-like-trust” model where they not only legitimately care for their audience but also make loads of money.

And that’s exactly what you should do as well:

Know — People need to get to know you through your media platform in some capacity (website, blogs, podcasts, TV appearances, books, social media). Thankfully today, it’s extremely easy to do this.

Like — People need to hear your story and like/connect with you. With attention spans on the decline, your message allows them to resonate with you in an authentic manner.

Trust — People need to trust you through your problem-solving skills. Your sales will come fast and easy because you’re offering massive value and inspiring them. And because you have experienced the same pain-points, you precisely know how to solve their challenges and frustrations.

In short, you need to create a circle of influence that will allow you to influence and attract your right-fit audience towards you.

Chances are that you’re lacking in one (or all) of these areas and need a trusted advisor to spring you back into action.

If that sounds like or feels like you, I invite you to take advantage of a my “30-min Consultation” session ($197 value) where I will show you my 5 Step approach to create your unbeatable business playbook. Limited spots are available.

Makarand With Mega Social Media Influencer Grant Cardone

Makarand knows what he’s talking about. Check his book out. The guy is on fire.

John Lee Dumas, 100 million+ Listens

The King of Podcasting

13 Killer Ways To Achieve Sales And Marketing Breakthroughs

Download this FREE eBook and achieve sales and marketing greatness.

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Why Work with me?

You may be brilliant at what you do and have the right skill sets, but sometimes, that alone isn’t enough to land high-paying clients. You need a trusted partner.

If you’ve ever felt alone, afraid, or almost abandoned along your “entrepreneurial journey,” you don’t need to feel that way any longer!  I’ll help you harness the greatest value from your business efforts.

My done-for-you services, online courses, training, and mentoring programs are geared towards helping you create a business playbook, setting up simple yet sustainable marketing strategies, and polishing your existing skills that can help you bring in the maximum number of clients.

I am a business advisor, an award-winning author, an entrepreneur, a distinguished public speaker, and a six-figure consultant.

I’ve been recognized as one of Data Bird Research Journal’s Top-750 digital innovators. I’ve also had the honor of sharing a book space (“CIO Body of Knowledge”) with Who’s Who of the Corporate America, including Tim Campos (Facebook CIO ) and Brian Concors (Pizza Hut Chief Digital Officer), among many other seasoned CEOs.

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In addition to this, I was also nominated as one of the Top-100 influencers and game-changers by the Influence Magazine. I’ve made an appearance on the Brian Tracy Show and have been interviewed by the internationally renowned expert himself.

My expertise has also been featured on prominent radio and television shows multiple times, including on TV Asia, C-Suite TV, and Expert Insights Radio.

Last but not least, I wrote and successfully self-published my book, “How to Kickstart Your Digital Marketing” on Amazon and it became a best-seller.

If you’re looking for a trusted advisor with several years of sales and marketing experience in the trenches, look no further.

Combined with what you know about your niche and your market— we will, together, develop a systematic plan to radically shrink the time it takes to achieve your goals FAST.

Leapfrog Your Business Predictably And Reliably … So you can get NOTICED, build AUTHORITY, generate REVENUE, and achieve your GOALS Without Any Hassle

You and I are cut from the same cloth. I salute your passion, work ethic, and hustle. Just like you, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. 

I didn’t have wealthy parents nor a million-dollar trust fund to help my entrepreneurial pursuits. I didn’t have any of the advantages when I started out as an entrepreneur. In fact, I consider myself to be an accidental entrepreneur.

I have learned through the school of hard knocks and have made it my mission to help people like you – experts, coaches, consultants, and small business owners – succeed quickly, predictably, and reliably.

It’s one thing to want your business to grow as quickly as possible and meet your sales goals, and another to be controlled by these ambitions altogether. Sure, you have a passion, work ethic, and sense of purpose. But your business has become an all-consuming hamster wheel. And the worst part is that it doesn’t just take a toll on you, but also affects your loved ones!

All Set for a Podcasting Interview - Let's Go!
Sharing My Journey on TV Show

I will help you create marketing assets that convert, and help YOU stand out in the marketplace.

Yes, that’s right … I do the heavy lifting for you – whether it’s your website, marketing strategy, Google lead services, content marketing, or Facebook ads – I will do it for you.

You can finally have the peace of mind you need knowing that these things are being taken care of for you.

No more struggling to get your story out there. No more discovering that your message is getting lost in the crowd, losing out on business.

I’m here to help you overcome these challenges and strategize your goals. My years of marketing, branding, public speaking, coaching, and mentoring have enabled me to take a pragmatic approach towards business growth, that works.

Whether it’s your marketing efforts that are failing to generate leads, or your branding strategy that needs to be tweaked, or your social media tactics that need to be revamped or if you want to package your offer, I will help you turn things around!

Signing My Book - Happy Faces - My Book Launch Event

Here's What People Are Talking about Me

Liz Lutchman
Home Stager and Interior Decorater Testimonial
Dr Sue Massie
Holistic Practitioner
Nick Mascelli
Financial Planner
Shankar Sawant
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Brad Sakele
Business Owner

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Influencer marketing has become one of the most successful methods for building brands in the modern digital era. By utilizing influencers’ authenticity …

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Across the globe, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming sectors like healthcare and finance, speeding up decision-making and streamlining operations. This blog explores …

Understanding the difference between personal and business brands is essential for branding. A personal brand reflects who I am, my values, and …

Accelerate Your Business

Let’s be honest; not all of us are natural salespeople or marketers. This can be a bit of a challenge when it comes to attracting new clients. With my mentoring and coaching, you’ll be able to tap into your growth potential and learn new ways to get more clients on board.

There are endless ways to accomplish that goal. Depending on where you are, I will precisely show you how to find the one that suits you best.