Makarand Utpat

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You’re well on your way to building a robust email list. Now’s the time to look at the information you’ve been gathering …

One of my friends recently got into an exercise routine. He has been going to the gym consistently for last 6-months or …

I am not an avid runner but have many friends who are Marathoners. Not one time but rather, multiple times. Immense appreciation …

As I was growing up, we never celebrated Mother’s Day (or Father’s day for that matter, even though India is a male-dominant …

Inspiring digital business leader and best-selling author, Makarand Utpat offers an array of tips and methods for building and growing a robust …

Springtime is here and typically at this time of year our thoughts turn to new growth as the world around us blossoms …

Inspiring digital business leader and best-selling author, Makarand Utpat reveals the importance of making your business email list the foundational building block …

If you are just beginning to explore digital marketing for your business you must turn your attention to building a robust email …

Peter Drucker needs no further introduction. He is known as the father of modern management theory. His quote “Culture eats strategy for …

Given below are 5 ways to humanize (& ultimately ignite) your brand: Listen and Participate, Don’t just Talk about Yourself- Remember there …

Inspiring digital business leader and best-selling author, Makarand Utpat provides an overview of the importance of understanding the concept of lead generation …

If you’re new to digital marketing there’s one thing you need to do before diving in. And this advice applies to any …

Makarand has a remarkable curriculum vitae. He is a digital marketing expert. He is a best-selling author. He is a leadership trainer. He works with a series of corporations to help them dramatically improve their operations. He is a man of many talents.

Brian Tracy Legendary Sales Expert and Authority on Personal Development

Personally, I was kind of lost after losing my dream job all of a sudden. Though I knew it’s a part and parcel of life, yesterday I met a 'real' person who stood up after going through the same phase as mine. Your transformational story encouraged me in moving forward! I can’t thank you enough for de-cluttering my thoughts and a month of dilemma!

Gayatri J Entrepreneur, Video Production Company

Great presentation by Mak. One of the important takeaways for me is the importance of 1st Page of the Google and that your business needs to be on the 1st page of the Google. That was really an important learning for me

Dorothea Laux Wealth Management

Although I use social media on routine basis, I didn’t know its “business angle” or “branding angle”. Makarand’s book helped clarify it for me. I also found author’s journey to build his personal brand an inspirational one. Great tips and strategies for professionals and business owners.

Om Corporate Professional