Are You Prepared to Make the Most During the Season of Giving?

As any non-profit organization knows, this is the time of year when most donations come in. Typically, this is when large organizations host their fund-raising gala events and when religious organizations make their strongest bids for donations. So, take note if you are just beginning your non-profit, this is probably going to be the time […]

Business Leader and Non-Profit Startup Expert, Reveals the Importance of Bylaws.

Inspiring digital business leader and non-profit startup expert, Makarand Utpat provides a few key concepts to keep in mind when writing and/or reviewing a nonprofit organization’s bylaws. Monmouth County, New Jersey – November 11, 2016— Makarand Utpat, non-profit startup expert and inspirational business leader, has posted a new article on his company website entitled, “Understand the […]

Understand the Function of Nonprofit Bylaws

When you start a nonprofit organization you are probably far more interested in the function of your organization within the community than making sure your organization is structured properly. However, you must have bylaws in place before you launch your organization. The bylaws serve the most important functions and will be extremely helpful when written […]

Rich Squeglia

Mak was outstanding and shown strong personal involvement on archiving project I worked with him on. Mak painstakingly created CRM application landscape that included reverse engineering of existing systems, gathering system stats and metrics, options analysis, and a heat map highlighting the commonalities and differences between different systems and the data elements. This effort served […]

Business Leader and Non-Profit Startup Expert, Makarand Utpat Expands on Building Trust.

Inspiring digital business leader and non-profit startup expert, Makarand Utpat elaborates on the top two attributes that he considers most important in the infusion of trust into any kind of organization but particularly a non-profit. Monmouth County, New Jersey – October 17, 2016— Makarand Utpat, non-profit startup expert and inspirational business leader, has posted a new […]

Business Leader and Non-Profit Startup Expert, Makarand Utpat Focuses on Fundraising

Inspiring digital business leader and non-profit startup expert, Makarand Utpat turns his attention to the hand-in-hand efforts of fundraising and marketing in non-profit organizations and how they often get relegated to the bottom of the to-do list. Monmouth County, New Jersey – October 17, 2016— Makarand Utpat, non-profit startup expert and inspirational business leader, has posted […]

Elaborating on Building The DNA of Trust in Your Non-Profit

Last month, I wrote about the importance of infusing your non-profit with the DNA of trust. I briefly touched on what I consider the top two attributes in that blog. Today, I’m elaborating on those attributes. Leadership is about facilitating problem solving and empowering others to focus on the right things and do the right […]

Your Non-Profits’ Fundraising Efforts: Forethought or Afterthought?

Non-profit and fundraising are like peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti and meatballs, fish and chips. You get the idea: They go best together. One without the other just doesn’t cut it. Yet somehow, fundraising always falls to the bottom of many non-profits’ priority lists in the blink of an eye. Forethought: careful thinking or planning […]

Business Leader and Non-Profit Startup Expert, Makarand Utpat Focuses on Trust.

Inspiring digital business leader and non-profit startup expert, Makarand Utpat encourages mindfully developing and continually maintaining trust in the nonprofit organization. Monmouth County, New Jersey – September 28, 2016— Makarand Utpat, non-profit startup expert and inspirational business leader, has posted a new blog on his company website entitled, “Instill Your Nonprofit with the DNA of Trust,” […]

Business Leader and Non-Profit Startup Expert, Makarand Utpat, Urges Positive Outlook.

Inspiring digital business leader and non-profit startup expert, Makarand Utpat focuses on the necessity of continuously having a positive outlook in order to manifest positive outcomes in any endeavor be it non-profit startup, workplace, family or social situation. Monmouth County, New Jersey – September 28, 2016— Makarand Utpat, non-profit startup expert and inspirational business leader, has […]

Instill Your Nonprofit with the DNA of Trust

Trust is the fundamental building block of developing strong relationships. And, in upstart and mature nonprofit organizations alike, trust must be the very essence and lifeblood of the group’s DNA. Nonprofits are all about doing something meaningful and good. They are mostly kept alive by the goodness of people who volunteer their time and resources. One quote that continues to […]

Non-Profit Startups: Positive Outlook Required for Positive Outcomes

It has been said over and over again that our perception is our reality. What this means is that how we see the world is how our world appears to be to us. It doesn’t mean that what we perceive is true it just means it appears to be true to us at the moment. I am a […]

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Let’s face it, in today’s market, the internet, Google, and social media have become a crowded place! With the implosion of digital platforms, attention spans have decreased. If you want to stand out, you need a competitive edge.

I will help you harness your value propositions, build authority and establish your robust brand so that you can attract clients and sell more. I will show you how you can do it in next 30 days and finally have a peace of mind and “net-zero” stress. Click the button below: