3 Incredible Leadership Transformation Lessons by Tom Brady

Last week, in the AFC 2017 championship game, Pittsburg Steelers were blown awayby New England Patriots. Pats won 36-17. What a game it was! Certainly, an unprecedented win for Tom Brady and Pats. Pats became 2017 AFC champions. People can argue about whether they like Tom Brady or not but one thing is sure that […]
Part 2- 10 Tips to Ignite Marketing Campaigns and Win Customers

“Whether B2B or B2C, I believe passionately that good marketing essentials are the same. We all are emotional beings looking for relevance, context and connection.” – Beth Comstock , Vice Chair, GE In the article Part 1-Ten Keys to Ignite Marketing Campaigns and Win Customers, I touched upon 10 tips on high-level. In this blog, […]
It’s Time for Non-Profits to Take Advantage of Social Media

Since I’ve been working with non-profit organizations, I’ve noticed a definite lack of interest in, even resistance to venturing into social media. At first, I thought it was simply a matter of timing with the new non-profits I worked with. Once they had their feet solidly on the ground and had some experience under their […]
At Last, the Secret to deal with IRS is Revealed

IRS sent us an inquiry. The notice asked to pay the penalties for the carryover amount from the prior year to year 2016. Per IRS, the carryover amount was not calculated correctly. I consulted with my accountant. After reviewing, my accountant said that everything looked correct from the tax filing perspectives. As the deadline to […]
Goodbye 2016 with Loads of Gratitude

In Aug 2016, I visited Taj Mahal, New Delhi, and Agra, with my wife and my kids. It was our first trip to the northern province, what has been referred to as the Golden Triangle of Northern India. We hired a private mini-van with a personal driver to tour these historic cities. We had a […]
Life is About Possibilities, Not Problems

A cleaning lady has been coming to our house. Even though uneducated in English, she fills that void with great work ethic, hard-work, and her affectionate attitude. In addition, she has been quite reliable where we do not have to worry about stealing or theft issues. Overall, we have been quite content with her services […]
Part 1- 10 Keys to Ignite Marketing Campaigns and Win Customers

“Make your marketing so useful that people would pay you for it.” – Jay Baer, Marketing Consultant, Speaker, and New York Times Best Selling Author of Book “Youtility” In the article What Wikipedia can’t tell you about Marketing Trifecta, I talked about the three pillars of Marketing Trifecta or Marketing Power Trio (Market, Message, and […]
What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About Marketing Trifecta- 5 Minute Guide

Have you come across your colleagues or friends who respond to emails better than phone calls and vice versa? Or do they respond to face-to-face conversations better than emails and vice versa? Or respond to you on Whatsapp better compared to calling them? Or in some cases, certain individuals respond to both the phone calls […]
Are You Prepared to Make the Most During the Season of Giving?

As any non-profit organization knows, this is the time of year when most donations come in. Typically, this is when large organizations host their fund-raising gala events and when religious organizations make their strongest bids for donations. So, take note if you are just beginning your non-profit, this is probably going to be the time […]
Understand the Function of Nonprofit Bylaws

When you start a nonprofit organization you are probably far more interested in the function of your organization within the community than making sure your organization is structured properly. However, you must have bylaws in place before you launch your organization. The bylaws serve the most important functions and will be extremely helpful when written […]