Billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s 5 Brilliant Tips on Success

Mukesh Ambani is India’s Business Tycoon with a net worth of $23 Billions and the owner of Reliance Industries which is a multi-Billion-dollar Indian conglomerate spanning many industries. Mukesh Ambani’s was recently interviewed at NASSCOM 2017 conference. Its theme was Reimagine and not Re-engineer. NASSCOM is comprised of IT professionals, Software Engineers, Startup companies, and […]

Sir Issac Newton’s 2 Extraordinary Lessons

Sir Issac Newton, was a great physicist and mathematician. He is best known for his laws of motion and gravity. His saying “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants” has become one of the profound ones. Per Wikipedia, the original concept was attributed to Bernard of […]

3 Incredible Leadership Transformation Lessons by Tom Brady

Last week, in the AFC 2017 championship game, Pittsburg Steelers were blown awayby New England Patriots. Pats won 36-17. What a game it was! Certainly, an unprecedented win for Tom Brady and Pats. Pats became 2017 AFC champions. People can argue about whether they like Tom Brady or not but one thing is sure that […]

At Last, the Secret to deal with IRS is Revealed

IRS sent us an inquiry. The notice asked to pay the penalties for the carryover amount from the prior year to year 2016. Per IRS, the carryover amount was not calculated correctly. I consulted with my accountant. After reviewing, my accountant said that everything looked correct from the tax filing perspectives. As the deadline to […]

Goodbye 2016 with Loads of Gratitude

In Aug 2016, I visited Taj Mahal, New Delhi, and Agra, with my wife and my kids. It was our first trip to the northern province, what has been referred to as the Golden Triangle of Northern India. We hired a private mini-van with a personal driver to tour these historic cities. We had a […]

Life is About Possibilities, Not Problems

A cleaning lady has been coming to our house. Even though uneducated in English, she fills that void with great work ethic, hard-work, and her affectionate attitude. In addition, she has been quite reliable where we do not have to worry about stealing or theft issues. Overall, we have been quite content with her services […]

3 Ways the Zero-Based Thinking helps to Move Your Digital Needle

“Give me a long enough lever…. and I shall move the Earth.” —Archimedes It’s said that if you keep doing the same things, you will get the same results you’ve got. So as a high-performing C-suite leader, if you are not getting the results you desire or find yourself in choppy waters, one tool you […]

Ability to say “No”- Can Donald Trump win GOP Nomination?

It is said that high achievers and great leaders are good at saying “Yes” but also “No”. In fact, their ability to say “No” fuels how much they accomplish the tasks that they are saying “Yes” to. The logic is simple. By saying “No”, it frees up more time and they stay focused on important […]

Why Positive Mental Attitude is Important?- Be The Hunter Rather Than Being The Hunted

Every year, our group conducts an annual team meeting that is geared towards satisfying 3 goals, namely: Celebrate organizational successes. Take a hard look at the progress made, what worked and what did not, conduct a gap-analysis, and decide what organizational changes are necessary, Most importantly, give everyone an opportunity to speak what is on […]

Discover How to Accelerate Your Business, Add More Perfect-Fit, Cash-In-Hand Customers, and Unleash Your Potential!

Let’s face it, in today’s market, the internet, Google, and social media have become a crowded place! With the implosion of digital platforms, attention spans have decreased. If you want to stand out, you need a competitive edge.

I will help you harness your value propositions, build authority and establish your robust brand so that you can attract clients and sell more. I will show you how you can do it in next 30 days and finally have a peace of mind and “net-zero” stress. Click the button below: