How to Start Your Online Business

Some of the most successful business ventures we see in this day and age have started off on the online realm. You take a look at the successful businesses like the Dollar Shave Club and you can only gawk in wonder and awe of how such a brilliant business might have started off and become […]

Success vs Failure! Head vs Heart! Who Wins? 8 Lessons in the Trenches

We are all trying to achieve something in life- Name, Fame, Health, Money/ Wealth, Peace of Mind, Family, Happiness, Satisfaction, Promotion, Awards, Career, Respect, Selflessness, Lifestyle!   The scale at which we are trying to achieve these things are significantly different depending on the level we are at. What works for you, may or may […]

Hero’s Journey Not Complete Without Mother

As I was growing up, we never celebrated Mother’s Day (or Father’s day for that matter, even though India is a male-dominant society)… as far as I can remember. It was not a tradition. It’s only in recent years in India, I’ve started seeing people in India celebrating events like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and […]

Discover How to Accelerate Your Business, Add More Perfect-Fit, Cash-In-Hand Customers, and Unleash Your Potential!

Let’s face it, in today’s market, the internet, Google, and social media have become a crowded place! With the implosion of digital platforms, attention spans have decreased. If you want to stand out, you need a competitive edge.

I will help you harness your value propositions, build authority and establish your robust brand so that you can attract clients and sell more. I will show you how you can do it in next 30 days and finally have a peace of mind and “net-zero” stress. Click the button below: