Don’t Worry About Overexposure In Social Media Marketing

If we humans have learned anything over the eons, it is that repetition is critical to success in most aspects of our lives. From learning how to walk and talk to mastering any sport, musical instrument or career, repetition is the key. The same is true when it comes to social media marketing. Actually it […]

Making Local Facebooks Ads Effective

In the recent past I’ve posted blogs and articles about how to get started with advertising on Facebook. I’ve talked about how to reach your market with precision interest targeting and broad category targeting. I’ve covered various ways to establish yourself as the expert and execute your marketing through a 3-phase funnel (Visit My Blog- […]

Life without Social Media: Is it Nirvana? Are We Ready?

Can you live w/o social media and still thrive? I wouldn’t have thought so but apparently you can. Watch and listen to this contrarian yet lovely TEDx talk from a successful Millennial scientist Dr Cal Newport who shatters the social media myths that we all hold. He talks about how he went on a […]

7 sure-fire ways to social media detox and enjoy your life again

There is no denying that the social media has become an inseparable part of our lives. Interacting face-to-face or calling someone and talking to them (like we used to) is becoming thing of the past… we are taking comfort in communicating our thoughts and feelings through emojis, likes, virtual comments and shares. In my previous […]

Are You Reaping The Rewards of Facebook Advertising?

You’ve probably heard how profitable it can be to advertise on Facebook. Maybe you’ve even ventured into it without any help or understanding of how it works. Well, if you have tried it unsuccessfully or never tried it at all, I’m going to offer you some pointers that will make advertising on Facebook more understandable […]

Facebook Advertising Allows For Precise Interest Targeting

Advertising on Facebook offers small business owners and entrepreneurs some of the most precise ways to reach your target market. Facebook’s ad targeting options are unparalleled. On Facebook, you can target users by: Location Age Gender Interests Connections Relationship Status Languages Education Workplaces Each option can be useful, depending on your audience. Most marketers should […]

Two Top Email Marketing Segmentation Considerations

You’re well on your way to building a robust email list. Now’s the time to look at the information you’ve been gathering from those who’ve visited your website and begin the act of segmenting or sorting those visitors. Segmenting is the key to driving sales. You have to know who your target is and how […]

How To Create, Cultivate and Grow Your Email List

Springtime is here and typically at this time of year our thoughts turn to new growth as the world around us blossoms with every shade of green along with vibrant and fragrant flowers. We clear out things we no longer use. We plant new seeds and expectantly await a harvest of flowers and fruit. Creating […]

Building Your Email List is of The Utmost Importance

If you are just beginning to explore digital marketing for your business you must turn your attention to building a robust email list. An email list is exactly what it sounds like: a list of names and email addresses of people who give you permission to send them updates and promotions from your business via […]

Is Your Culture Eating Strategy for Breakfast? 7 Tips for Digital Initiatives

Peter Drucker needs no further introduction. He is known as the father of modern management theory. His quote “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” has remained one of the profound ones (among many). This quote is equally applicable in executing the digital initiatives since, at its core,digital transformation is all about the disruption and about change. […]

Discover How to Accelerate Your Business, Add More Perfect-Fit, Cash-In-Hand Customers, and Unleash Your Potential!

Let’s face it, in today’s market, the internet, Google, and social media have become a crowded place! With the implosion of digital platforms, attention spans have decreased. If you want to stand out, you need a competitive edge.

I will help you harness your value propositions, build authority and establish your robust brand so that you can attract clients and sell more. I will show you how you can do it in next 30 days and finally have a peace of mind and “net-zero” stress. Click the button below: