Two Top Email Marketing Segmentation Considerations

You’re well on your way to building a robust email list. Now’s the time to look at the information you’ve been gathering from those who’ve visited your website and begin the act of segmenting or sorting those visitors. Segmenting is the key to driving sales. You have to know who your target is and how […]

Raise Your Standard and The Universe Will Meet You There

One of my friends recently got into an exercise routine. He has been going to the gym consistently for last 6-months or so. He has changed his diet, getting good sleep etc. Basically, he is doing all the right things when it comes to doing exercising. I can see he has been exuding full of […]

Want to Thrive and Ignite Brand while Staying Lazy? Use Tactics of Sub-2 hr Marathon

I am not an avid runner but have many friends who are Marathoners. Not one time but rather, multiple times. Immense appreciation and respect for what they are able to accomplish. Big shout to them. Such a feat is not possible without having a passion and disciplined regimen. Certainly, not for the faint of heart! […]

Hero’s Journey Not Complete Without Mother

As I was growing up, we never celebrated Mother’s Day (or Father’s day for that matter, even though India is a male-dominant society)… as far as I can remember. It was not a tradition. It’s only in recent years in India, I’ve started seeing people in India celebrating events like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and […]

Business Leader, Digital Marketing Expert, Makarand Utpat On Email List Creation.

Inspiring digital business leader and best-selling author, Makarand Utpat offers an array of tips and methods for building and growing a robust email list of engaged prospects and customers. Monmouth County, NJ – May 9, 2017— Makarand Utpat, digital marketing expert and best-selling author, has posted a new article on his company website entitled, “How To […]

How To Create, Cultivate and Grow Your Email List

Springtime is here and typically at this time of year our thoughts turn to new growth as the world around us blossoms with every shade of green along with vibrant and fragrant flowers. We clear out things we no longer use. We plant new seeds and expectantly await a harvest of flowers and fruit. Creating […]

Business Leader, Digital Marketing Expert, Makarand Utpat On Importance of Email List.

Inspiring digital business leader and best-selling author, Makarand Utpat reveals the importance of making your business email list the foundational building block of your digital marketing efforts. Monmouth County, NJ – May 4, 2017— Makarand Utpat, digital marketing expert and best-selling author, has posted a new blog on his company website entitled, “Building Your Email List […]

Building Your Email List is of The Utmost Importance

If you are just beginning to explore digital marketing for your business you must turn your attention to building a robust email list. An email list is exactly what it sounds like: a list of names and email addresses of people who give you permission to send them updates and promotions from your business via […]

Is Your Culture Eating Strategy for Breakfast? 7 Tips for Digital Initiatives

Peter Drucker needs no further introduction. He is known as the father of modern management theory. His quote “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” has remained one of the profound ones (among many). This quote is equally applicable in executing the digital initiatives since, at its core,digital transformation is all about the disruption and about change. […]

5 Ways to Humanize Your Brand

Given below are 5 ways to humanize (& ultimately ignite) your brand: Listen and Participate, Don’t just Talk about Yourself- Remember there is a reason why is it called social media. It’s about interaction and about sharing thoughts and ideas. It’s equally about listening to your marketplace as much as about talking about yourself or […]

Business Leader, Digital Marketing Expert, Makarand Utpat Explains Lead Generation.

Inspiring digital business leader and best-selling author, Makarand Utpat provides an overview of the importance of understanding the concept of lead generation in digital marketing and how any business can successfully engage in lead generation. Monmouth County, NJ – April 4, 2017— Makarand Utpat, digital marketing expert and best-selling author, has posted a new article on […]

Warm Up To Lead Generation for Successful Digital Marketing

If you’re new to digital marketing there’s one thing you need to do before diving in. And this advice applies to any kind of business. You’re going to want to become intimate with the concept of “lead generation” as quickly as possible. This is one of the most important concepts in the world of digital […]

Discover How to Accelerate Your Business, Add More Perfect-Fit, Cash-In-Hand Customers, and Unleash Your Potential!

Let’s face it, in today’s market, the internet, Google, and social media have become a crowded place! With the implosion of digital platforms, attention spans have decreased. If you want to stand out, you need a competitive edge.

I will help you harness your value propositions, build authority and establish your robust brand so that you can attract clients and sell more. I will show you how you can do it in next 30 days and finally have a peace of mind and “net-zero” stress. Click the button below: